Happy Birthday !!!!!

Januari ni ramai dari my family celebrate birthday. Yang "tua" hingga yang muda pun sambut sama. Ni senarai mereka yang sambut Birthday pada bulan Januari
1. Nadhirah Karim - 8 Jan
2. Dayana Samah - 13 Jan
3. Shira Hisam - 13 Jan
4. Azizah Hashim - 20 Jan
5. Mohd Nor Hashim - 23 Jan
6. Mohd Hisam Hashim - 27 Jan
7. Noraisha Sofea Hazard - 27 Jan

7 orang semuanya. Ramai tu...Tapi tak de le sambut ramai-ramai. Kami sekeluarga sambut birthday shira pada 13 Jan 2010. Tempah kek kat "Inhousecakes baker" ...sedap & moist..thanks to them coz last minutes order.

Choc Almond Mocha Cheese
Menjamu selera...

Birthday abah diorang lambat sambut just tempah cup kek dari kawan.."nikoniko" licin kena makan dengan budak2 tu,,,,.

Kek ni lebih dicipta utk 3 anak dara kecik tu....delicious & nyummy

Pak lah jugak ambil kesempatan wish Happy Birthday Kat Hubby....hehehe..perah santan tul!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Balik Kampung

Hari ni nak balik kampung kat Teluk Intan...bestnya!! Tapi budak2 tak siap lagi leka tengok TV. Husband lak tengah kilatkan kereta. Aku layan fb and blog kejap. Besok blk le kat Shah Alam...kejap je so aku tinggalkan je maid kemboja ni..bukan apa takut muntah lagi..tak berbaloi kalau balik sehari je..bwk dia. Dulu ajak keluar makan pergi balik muntah..habis Swift aku..Tension tul. So for solution..mana2 aku p aku tinggalkan aje dia ni. Kalau balik kampung panjang nanti boleh le bawak tu pun kena prepare tin besar n plastik ..siap kena mkn ubat muntah lagi.

Hari ni balik kampung best jgk ..lama dah tak balik sejak tahun baru. Kesian mak..tp dia selalu gak dtg sini. Balik ni mak suruh kemas rumah coz adik nak kahwin 20 Feb ni. Satu lg yang aku teringin makan kat T.I ni ialah Mee Rebus Abdullah...huh sedap sungguh..

Facts about Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia

Teluk Intan is a town located in the state of Perak in Malaysia. It is the largest town in Hilir Perak district and third largest town in the state of Perak with an estimated population of around 110,000.
In the early days, the town was known as Teluk Mak Intan, after a female Mandailing trader. It was here that the Perak rulers held court from 1528 until Kuala Kangsar became the royal town in 1877.[1]
During the British protectorate era, the named was changed to Teluk Anson (Anson Bay), in honour of a British Officer and last Lieutenant-Governor of Penang, Major-General Sir Archibald Edward Harbord Anson who drew the plan of the modern township in 1882.
In 1982 during the centenary of the town's establishment, the name was changed again to Teluk Intan (Diamond Bay) by the Sultan of Perak. The town has a number of colonial buildings and Chinese shophouses together with modern buildings and a few shopping complexes.

Places of interest

1. Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan
One of the town attractions is a Leaning Tower erected in 1885 by a Chinese builder, Mr. Leong Choon Cheong. It started to tilt four years after its construction finished due to an underground stream. The tower had a clock at the top, and still rings every 15 minutes now. The clock tower was originally used as a water tower, supplying water to the town area, while also reporting the time to all townfolks. It had also served as a beacon to guide ships into Teluk Intan Port. Currently it is a local tourist attraction, and no longer stores water. The area around the tower was paved with bricks and became a plaza. The main street at the centre of Teluk Intan is also named after Mr. Leong Choon Cheong to commemorate his contribution. The name of the street is "Jalan Ah Cheong" (referbelow for links to more information and pictures of the Leaning Tower).
GPS Coordinates: 4°1.544′N, 101°1.133′E

2. Batu Tenggek (War Memorial)

Memorial Stone
Another attraction is the 'Batu Tenggek' (Sitting Boulder) which is situated at a junction in the town centre. The rock was believed to be placed by a British soldier and was a size of a matchbox. Over the years, the small rock grew bigger until it reached the size of a boulder. Upon closer inspection, crystal-like substances can be seen throughout the rock's surface. As crystals have expanding properties, this might explain the growing nature of the stone. This boulder is now part of a local war memorial built to commemorate World War I and World War II. The plaque on the memorial carries a line from Laurence Binyon's famous poem, For the Fallen :
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
and the dates of the 2 conflicts commemorated :

Monday, January 18, 2010

Kuih Keria (Sweet Potato Doughnut)

Pagi Ahad lepas untuk breakfast saya buat kuih keria...yum..yum..yum..Sedap betul..dengan lembutnya...baru puashati buat sendiri. Petang Sabtu tu adik rebuskan keledek kuning n lecek. Simpan dalam fridge..coz tak de masa nak buat. Pagi tu keluarkan keledek yg telah siap dilecek..panaskan sikit dalam microwave utk lembutkannya. Tambah garam secukup rasa dan agak agak tepung gandum dan uli sebentar.Lepas tu bulatkan dan buat lubang ditengah-tengah..tada..siap untuk digoreng...Habis goreng panaskan gula n sedikit air dalam kuali bila gula hampir kering masukkan kuih keria yang siap digoreng tapi dan ratakan gulanya ..hasilnya yummy..

500gram sweet potato (boiled n mashed)
1 cup wheat flour
pinch of salt
(Note: Mixed well and shaped in rings and fried until brown)


1/2 cup Sugar
100 ml water
(Note: Add sugar 7 water to boiled until 3/4 dried...mixed well with the cooked doughnut)

Macaroni and Cheese

Think outside the box! Homemade macaroni and cheese is so easy to make, and it lets you experiment with different cheeses and pasta shapes.

• 1/4 cup (50 mL) butter
• 1 cup (250 mL) chopped onion
• 1 tbsp. (15 mL) all-purpose flour
• 1 tsp. (5 mL) salt
• 4 cups (1 L) milk
• 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) elbow (or other smallish) macaroni
• 2 cups (500 mL) shredded Cheddar cheese
• 1/2 tsp. (2 mL) salt
• black pepper to taste

Cooking Instructions
1. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Add the chopped onion and cook, stirring, until the onion is tender but not browned, 5 to 7 minutes.
2. Stir in the flour and salt. Then pour in the milk and the macaroni all at once. Increase the heat slightly and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring often to keep the macaroni from clumping together and sticking to the bottom. When it reaches a boil, immediately reduce the heat to low and let simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes, or until the macaroni is tender.
3. Remove saucepan from heat, add grated cheese and stir until it melts smoothly into the sauce. Adjust the seasoning with additional salt and black pepper to taste.

Servings: 4 or 5

Makan Makan Kat Pantai Jeram

Malam tadi p makan kat Pantai Jeram..sampai kul 7.00p.m . Budak ni siap posing lagi kat tepi pantai.

Seperti biasa tempat tu mlm minggu penuh dengan orang...siap ada function sekali...lebih kurang 7.40 baru dapat makan..huh lapar sungguh budak2 tu...

Biasanya kami akan order:
  • ikan pipi tebal msk asam pedas (memang sedap ikan ni)
  • sotong goreng tepung
  • telur dadar
  • sayur kailan ikan masin &
  • kerang bakar
Bila mknan lambat sampai seperti biasa le misha yang plg tak sabar...air masing2 pun dah habis...kena order satu jag air lg... mula ler dah boring..sampai gambar makanan tu dah mls nak ambik....Tenpat tu actual bagus sebab disediakan pelbagai kemudahan, dari playground, surau, tandas n jeti nak ke kelong tengah pantai.
Habis je makan..naik je kete ...tiba2 blackout satu kaw jeram...huh nasib kami baik sungguh...yang lain kesian mkn dalam kegelapan.....